
TWS announces 5-month comeback

Online News Team | 기사입력 2024/10/11 [00:00]

TWS announces 5-month comeback

Online News Team | 입력 : 2024/10/11 [00:00]

TWS will comeback in November:


Pledis Entertainment announced on Tuesday, "TWS (ShinYu, DoHoon, YoungJae, Hanjin, Jihoon, and KyungMin) will be making a comeback this November. Please pay attention to their expanded musical spectrum that will meaningfully decorate the beginning and end of 2024."


With this, TWS will be returning to their fans with new music about five months after their mini second album "SUMMER BEAT!". As the group has emerged as a global rising star since its debut in January, the new album is expected to attract a lot of interest from fans around the world.


Meanwhile, both of TWS' albums released this year have achieved "half-million seller" status. This brings her cumulative record sales to more than one million albums."